Sunday, July 11, 2010


Nychus Logo

I was asked to design a logo for a helicopter company that symbolizes both a helicopter and the Latin root of their name.

Nychus is latin for Claw, and they wanted to a flat looking and simple logo that would look great on the side of a helicopter.


Government Security Times Website

I built this site was built using mostly html, but also used an XML feed that was parsed using php. While the site worked well the company went out of business.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Scion Industries

Scion Industries Rohacell Ad

Rohacell is a well known airspace material and Scion industries is a relatively unknown company seeking to make a name in that market. I created a marketing campaign that leveraged the Rohacell name and Scions new distributorship to establish them into the marketplace.

This campaign incorprated web, print ads and trade shows to achieve our goals.

As part of the campaign, this ad was placed next to the Rohacell ads in all of the primary trade publications.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dee Dee

Dee Dee Business Card, and letterhead set

I was asked to take a preexisting illustration from a local author/illustrator drawing and incorporate it into a business card and letterhead set.

Scion Industries

Scion Industries Website Design

This was a total redesign of the Scion website. It had php scripting and a mysql database backend. This site was designed to have a clean look with a hint of high tech and a clasic '90s simplicity.

While this site met all of the needs of the customer at the time. It has since been replaced with a site that I had no part of.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hach Company

Technical Illustration of Sigma 1000 Wireless Modem

Hach was in the process of making all of their technical illustrations for the Sigma 1000 users manual. It was critical that the drawings be done to scale.

I worked with the engineers and technical writers to ensure that I was drawing the items that needed to be addressed in the manual.

While dozens of drawings were created for this project, the ones included here were the coolest looking.

Collage America

Promotional Flyer For Collage America

The fine people at Collage America wanted me to design a flyer to promote one of their new courses.

They wanted to experiment with a different color pallet that appealed more to a male audience.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jewels Of The Nile

Redesign and webmastering of Jewels Of The Nile website

This website was original designed with html and css. IT was hard to manage and all updates had to be preformed across every live page to make things uniform.

I redesigned the site with a php scripting back-end and nice little features like central included navigation. It was critical that the updates were done with the lease amout of downtime and without the updated being noticed by the web users.